What is grassfed beef?

Grassfed beef comes from cattle that are always raised on grass and not fed corn or other grain. This is better for the cattle, for the consumer and for the planet. Our cattle are grassfed and grass finished.

Our beef is produced from young cattle that have never left the ranch. They have dined exclusively on a diet of grass and forbs that grow here naturally, and never given any antibiotics or hormones.

Rangeland Health

The ranch uses management practices that enhance rangeland health. Raising grassfed beef is part of the restoration process. 

Each of the twleve pastures is grazed no more than 28 days at a time, and average rest periods between grazing is 180 days. This practice gives the grass a chance to recover after having been grazed and increases biodiversity as well as the robustness of the plants and the health of the soil.

A benefit beyond the immediate improvement in forage is that well-managed grassland stores more carbon in the soil than any other land use, mitigating global climate change.

Riparian restoration

An intermittent creek (which flows when there is snowmelt and during summer monsoons) runs through the ranch. With the help of several conservation organizations, work continues on restoring the riparian areas along the creek as habitat for birds and other wildlife. These restoration efforts help to keep the water in the soil rather than allowing it to run off. 

Coyote willows, bluestem willows, white oak and Gambel’s oaks grow along the creek. Grazing in these areas is limited to the dormant season.

Low-stress livestock handling

Low-stress livestock handling is practiced at all times. The cattle are handled on foot or on horseback, which keeps them calm and happy.