Our beef is produced from young cattle that have never left the ranch in Mountainair, NM. They have dined exclusively on a diet of grass and forbs native to the area. We use management practices that enhance rangeland health. Raising grassfed beef is part of the restoration process.
The beef is dry-aged for two weeks. It comes to you cut, wrapped and frozen in 20-22 lb packs, quarters or halves. There are pick-up points in Albuquerque and Mountainair, NM. In addition, pick-up in Santa Fe can be arranged.

Our cattle graze on the native grasses of New Mexico and are fed no hormones, antibiotics or grain. Raising cattle on fresh pasture provides many nutritional advantages. More.

With the help of several conservation organizations, we work on restoring the riparian areas along the creek which runs during summer monsoons and when snow melts. More…

Grazed pasture removes more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than any other land use. The ground is covered with vegetation all year round holding on to top soil, moisture and carbon. More…

Animals live in a herd on open pastures eating food compatible with their digestive system. They are managed on horses or on foot, which keeps them calm and happy. More…