Why grassfed beef?

For your health

Grassfed meat gives you a wealth of health benefits. First of all, you avoid the synthetic hormones, antibiotics, residues and questionable additives found in conventionally raised animals. But just as important, you get these added nutritional advantages from animals raised on fresh pasture:

  • Less fat and fewer calories.
  • More Omega-3 essential fatty acids (reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer). Our beef has been tested by Mother Earth News and found to have six times more Omega-3 than conventional beef and 30% less Omega-6.
  • More natural conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which builds muscles and burns fat.
  • More beta-carotene (a vitamin linked with lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer).
  • Lower risk of Ecoli bacteria (less acidic digestive tract in grassfed ruminants avoids the development of acid-resistant bacteria).

For the animals

  • The cattle live together with their mothers in a herd on open pastures.
  • We manage the cattle with horses or on foot, ensuring low stress handling.  
  • The cattle eat natural, local grasses and forbs, which are compatible with their systems, unlike corn and soy, which make them ill.
  • Slaughter is humane and takes place in a local abattoir.

     For more information on grassfed livestock visit the Dirt Doctor and Eat Wild.

For the environment

Grassfed beef avoids a lot of the problem created by feeding grain to cattle:

​A diet of grazed grass requires much less fuel and water than a feedlot diet of corn and soy.

On pasture, grazing animals do their own fertilizing and harvesting. The ground is covered with vegetation all year round, so it does an excellent job of harvesting solar energy and holding on to top soil, moisture and carbon.

Grazed pasture removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere more effectively than any land use, including forestland and ungrazed prairie, helping to slow global warming.

In a confinement operation (feedlot) the animals are crowded into sheds or kept outdoors on barren land and all their feed is shipped to them from distant fields. Their manure creates a huge disposal problem.